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Strength of My Heart

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26)

My child,

The human condition is fragile. The body is susceptible to its physical environment, disease, and the natural aging process. Your heart is affected by your experiences, including joy, pain, loss, and gain. Your body and heart are known to fail at some point in time, and perhaps more for some people based on the circumstances of their lives. You were created to carry the heart of God. You were created to be sustained by all that He is. You were not created to stand in your own strength or to prove your worth to the One True God. You were created to know your worth to Him and to find what you need in Him.

My Father’s desire is to be your portion forever. For you to know that He has created you to be unique and to know that He will continue to supply just the right portion of all you need, in His perfect timing. He alone knows what you need and He alone can supply all your needs.

In times when you feel your heart failing or in which it feels broken beyond repair, He will bring the strength to your heart that seems out of your reach. He will hold your heart close, care for it, and sustain it. He will mend it and restore it through His love and grace. His heart will beat when yours cannot. His heart will feel the things of heaven for you when yours is too painful to experience any more. His heart is for you.

His love is always available to you. Fear not when you find your flesh and heart failing you. You have a resource for restoration and strength beyond any other. You have My Father’s heart beating for you, until your heartbeat can resound in unison with His, for all eternity.


From the book My Comfort - Coming Soon!

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